Mining and petro chemistry

Mining and petro chemistry

Cloths, industrial cloths and cleaning cloths

Trapo punto blanco fino
205 – Fine white knitted cloth
Reference: 205. Composition: 98% cotton and 2% other fibers.
206 – First quality White cloth
Reference: 206. Composition: 75% cotton and 25% other fibers.
Trapo punto color fino
105 – Knitted fabric cloth, fine color
Reference: 105. Compositión: 95% cotton and 5% other fibers.
107 – Knitted fabric cloth, mixed color
Reference: 107. Composition: 80% cotton and  20% other fibers.
Trapo color chándal
109 – Tracksuit colored cloth
Reference: 109. Composition: 75% cotton and 25% other fibers.